This blog is full of excellent advice and recommendations for law firm marketing (ironically, one thing that a law firm blog cannot do on a blog, is provide advice). 

You can also fill out the free assessment form in the top right of the page if you have any questions that are not covered in the blogs below.


Law and Social Media

Law and Social Media

Why Social Media for Law Firm Marketing? Social Media for law firm marketing is more like “old school” marketing than television, yellow pages SEO or search engine marketing ever were or ever have been. What do I mean by that? Well, before law firms were allowed to...

Law Firm SEO

Law Firm SEO

How to Succeed With SEO Law firm SEO is challenging. It’s competitive, always changing, yet it can be a very profitable way to grow your law firm. When SEO is done right it can be one of the most cost effective ways to acquire new high quality clients. The challenge...

Auditing Your Law Firm SEO Company

Auditing Your Law Firm SEO Company

Wondering if your law firm’s SEO company is doing the right work for you? Want to know how to analyze the work of your SEO provider? This series of videos and blog posts will help you find the answers to these questions. Many attorneys who hire a SEO company for their...